About us

Houston Westloop Youth Soccer, a community-based non-profit organization, is operated by parent volunteers.  We are dedicated to providing fundamental training of soccer technical skills through routine coaching, practice and games for children of grade school ages.

We encourage parents and teenage players to volunteer and engage with the organization’s activities and development.

Our goal is to promote a fun and safe soccer playing environment, to develop characters such as respect, leadership, team works and sense of community.  We will help players become better people, not just better athletes. 

Houston Westloop Youth Soccer Club (又名610足球俱乐部)成立于2016。 是从几个爸爸带娃的小团体,慢慢发展并壮大起来的。如今俱乐部注册球员人数稳定在100左右。作为非营利组织,俱乐部收入来源主要依靠球员的注册费和少量热心人士的捐款;俱乐部的教练主体和委员会成员都是义工团队。委员会负责俱乐部日常的各项杂务,比如:财务,场地,发展捐助人…费时费力。教练主要负责训练,组织比赛,以及球员的评估和分组。俱乐部拥有一些有天赋的孩子,再加上一班教练均是硬核的足球爱好者和体育达人,在训练上投入了极大的热情。在休斯敦华人组织的少儿足球杯赛里,610俱乐部的球队取得了非常突出的成绩。俱乐部的多位孩子也成长为了休斯敦地区专业俱乐部和校队的主力成员。现在俱乐部开始尝试聘请高水平的专业教练来为有兴趣的孩子,根据不同层次,提供特别训练。而对于其他来运动出汗的孩子和家长,俱乐部更是一个愉快交流,休闲健身的平台。各得其所,气氛轻松融洽。无论是现在的,还是曾经的成员,只要在想到610俱乐部时,胸中荡起些许暖意,报以会心一笑,就是我们俱乐部的成功!


2023 Spring Season Started! 2023 春季训练开学了!(First practice on Jan 28)
